The much awaited Transformers' sequel, Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen, has raked in $201 Million in just 5 days. This is the second largest box office records payout since Batman sequel 'The Dark Knight' which stars Heath Ledger as the Joker and Christian Bale as Batman. This behemoth upstart by the iconic robots has smashed the top box office hits in Hollywood. There are those moviegoers who said that the story of the Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen was a bit simplistic, but the battle scenes were simply astounding to say the least. The 2 and a half hour action packed movie will surely entertain most of the kids and action seeking adventurous movie goers, but it would almost certainly disappoint critics who are seeking more substance on the movie's story telling part. Nonetheless, this movie is truly a treat especially to the Transformers enthusiast because this movie introduced many new characters and more juggernaut robots.

Here are the list of this weekend's top 10 Box Office Records from Hollywood:

1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($112 M)
2. The Proposal ($18.466 M)
3. The Hangover ($17.215 M)
4. Up ($13.046 M)
5. My Sister's Keeper ($12.03 M)
6. Year One ($5.8 M)
7. The Taking of Pelham 123 ($5.4 M)
8. StarTrek ($3.606 M)
9. Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian ($3.5 M)
10. Away We Go ($1.678 M)

Source: Yahoo! Movies